Friday, October 28, 2011

Sweet Bakin' Friday

Happy Friday! Today was World Series Game 7. So I baked, of course. Any time there is going to be game watching-there must be a party. Where there's a party-there's tasty party food! I decided to make some Bisquick Sausage Balls. Hate the name, but I love-ah the flava-flave.

After a few minutes in the oven....Here they are!

And they were "yum", as you can see on my sweetie pie hubby's face. 

This morning Jordan took me to Cracker Barrel for brunch then to consignment stores to find a few treasures. I love it when he takes me shopping. I doubly love shopping with him because he drives. I hate driving anywhere anytime. I'm sure he thinks I'm completely spoiled (his fault) because I will find any excuse to not have to drive. Like, "Well it's gonna be so snowy and slick outside and my brakes might go out!" (It was 67 degrees today) And, "But babe you are so much better at driving than I am-you are so aggressive, the other drivers do whatever you want them to!" However ridiculous my reasons are - they somehow work for me! Sweet studhubs :)

How was your Fun Friday? Shopping? Napping? Gaming? Baking? YES?!

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