Thursday, October 27, 2011

Snowboots and Scoby

Today it snowed! And everyone said, "Halllllllelujuah!" Our little town was rejoicing as we opened our sleepy eyes to the white miracle this early morn. Jordan took Mia and I out for a little exploring when he came home from work. Mia hates the snow. Maybe because she blends in with it. Tiny thang, I have to carry her everywhere we go :)

I'm still drowning myself in Amoxicillin, garlic pills, Advil and Kombucha I'm addicted to the stuff in the best way. It is made from a SCOBY (for "Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast") and apparently does wonders for you:  aids cancer recovery, increases energy, sharpens eyesight, aids joint recovery, improves skin elasticity, aids digestion, and improves experience with foods that 'stick' going down such as rice or pasta. It sorta has a apple cider vinegary taste to it. Give it a try.

I'm also raking through the web for tips on entry level photography. I think I found yet another hobby... yeah!

And for my encouraging word today: rest. Getting rest and relaxing is the best thing you can do for your soul. I, myself, rested today rather than busying with the usual. I had plenty to accomplish but I gave into the urge to close my lids and catch up on my zzzzz's. I don't regret it either. 

So if you get 20 minutes (or 3 hours) close your baby blues and let yourself refuel with much needed rest.... goodnight!

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