1. to increase by natural development, as any living organism; increase in size or substance.
2. to form and increase in size by a process of inorganic accretion, as by crystallization.
3. to arise or issue as a natural development from an original happening, circumstance, or source: Our friendship grew from common interests.
4. to increase gradually in size, amount, etc.; become greater or larger; expand
We had a worship department meeting today where we went through an entire worship set with a mix of deeply intimate songs mixed with secular music. It was nuts. I felt my heart increase in size as my mind was forced to expand. I was forced to accept a new dimension of God. That He can move through anything.
I see Him everywhere, but accepting in my little worship leader heart that the Holy Spirit could move on that kind of creativity, such found in a Killers song, was a mind crunching task. The experience pointed me to what I've always wanted to be true:
He is way cooler than what we've made Him out to be.
Apparently He does like great, creative and boundary pushing music.
So my action item? Go to the deep things of who He is and find a new sound. Rather than copying every successful church's idea of a "worship win song" I think God is ready to show us Himself. He's been misrepresented a lot. But we can show His love in a new sound. His creativity is limitless. And I have the power to take the limitations off of Him in my worship leading.
We have access to the Creator of the Universe. So why are we letting the world define music? As lovers of God, let's embrace that our God is in everything. Not just a 4 song set of Hallelujahs.
In conclusion, here's a favorite song by my favorite gal, Sarah Jarosz singin a Tom Waits tune. It's inspiring me and my country worship side that's comin' out :)
Let's go up to The House and get some creativity for this place.
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