Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sayonara, Sweetheart

There are days that we can get easily overwhelmed and discouraged. You know, 'those days'. One of those days when life runs you right over in your white dress and new shoes and speeds away in it's souped up convertible, "Sayonara, sweetheart!"  I'm sure you've had one of 'those days'.  As I was eating lunch with some fellow pastorettes today, a wise woman said, "Life is the stuff in between the calm moments". Isn't that the truth?

Oh how we all long for days of simplicity and bliss! (Do those exist?) When the whole world dwells in harmony and butterflies swirl by as we stop to smell the roses. The day when our bosses tell us how we are far surpassing excellence, our teacher gives us bonus points just for being awesome, and the barista buys our coffee and throws in a reduced fat cinnamon swirl cake on the side. All to be greeted at home with a kiss from the hubs and, "What's this? You Cloroxed the whole house?!"


Then we snap back into the oh-so-present reality to find we are not Superwoman, time did not stand still for us to accomplish every task on the To-Do, and by the way 'how do i have 537 unanswered emails?

This is life. I think the saying is true that it's what we make it. Whatever it is; it's ours. We can't take it or leave it. We have to live it. The good, the bad and the ugly. Life.

So what do I do when life's got me down? I worship. For me, nothing else heals my hurting heart more than sitting with my Heavenly Father and singing to Him. Singing about how much I love Him. How much I appreciate Him rescuing me. How thankful I am that He cares when my heart aches. How grateful I am that He defends me when I feel misrepresented. He knows me better than anyone in this world. My favorite thing about Him? He always knows what to do. I never have to tell Him the whole story because He already knows it. He's the best friend, doctor, father, mother, brother, counselor, and teacher. He's the best.

I wanted to share this song with you. It's from Bethel www.ibethel.org. As a worship leader, I'm always on the hunt for new songs. These folks out in Cali have started a worship revolution and I for one am lovin' it. 

Most everything keeping us down is a big, bad 4 letter word:


Fear. My mom taught me that one. It's right on the money. Usually the thing I'm in a crazy lady panic about is nothing more than false evidence. Geeez, if only I could counsel myself in the moment of freak out :)

So if you're feelin' blue, lift your chin! He's broken every chain off of you and you, my friend, are free! Dance and rejoice! Put on some worship tunes and sing your own song to the Lord. Make it up as you go. Sing your heart out to Him. He hears you. He's listening. Tell Him. He's excited about you. And you won't regret it.

Getcha, getcha, getcha praise on.

Psalm 62:8 "Trust in him at all times, O people;
    pour out your heart before him;
   God is a refuge for us."

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