Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Breath of Fresh

This weekend I got the chance to hang with Christa Black. I'm not a follower of movie stars and actresses but I am a mega mega huge fan of hers. It's probably because my story is almost exactly the same as hers and I want to follow in her footsteps to help women (and men) break out of bondage. She is the real deal, fashionista, amazing singer-songwriter, blogger, wifey, momma to be and most importantly, passionate about the Lord. 

Getting to spend time with her was the most rejuvenating high-light of my year. She spoke into my life in a fresh way. I got to hug her neck right before I went out to lead worship this Sunday and she helped me get the lipstick off my teeth. Now that, is a real sista. Then I got to watch her perform and speak that evening. THEN, Jordan and I hung with our friends, Boyd's, and Christa and her Studhubs, Luke, over midnight snacks talking about ministry and life. They gave us tremendously encouraging words straight from the heart of God. Ahhhh, it's wonderful to meet people who are ultra creative, cool and walk in the Spirit in a non-wacko way :)

Christa has played and toured with the Jonas Brothers and traveled with Michael W. Smith playing her violin and singing her pipes out. She has written an amazing book 'God Loves Ugly' that I read in one night. Go buy her music and book. Now!

Here's her info: http://christablack.tumblr.com/

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