Monday, November 14, 2011


 Jordan invited me to go to Gander Mountain with him today. I enjoy shopping with him because he's got a purpose and goal in mind before ever entering the store. He just got his CHL so today's purpose was holster shopping. So rugged. So handsome.

 Bullet loading. That's what men do.

 See that grin from ear to ear? This kind of man joy is similar to what women experience when we find a pair of BCBG boots for 50% off.

 Every shopping trip with Jordan involves stopping at Pak-A-Sak for candy. I like that part.

And there's always a great reward for me when I get to spend time with Studhubs (or SexyHubs as he prefers to be called) and it's.....


SexyHubs was so sweet to load up with all my fashionista items. He says God made him strong so that he can carry all my shopping bags. Whataman.

And of course, the Stud finished painting the ceiling for me.....

My cup overflows.

And we sang Natasha Bedingfield's song "Never Find A Love Like This" to each other all day. What a fun day Mon Day. 

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