Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cottage Painting

 Jordan is painting our ceiling tonight! Yipee-Skipee, that's what I have to say about it. He is an excellent painter. I am not so great because well, I'm not patient. So I document the action by photographing it all. As you can tell by the shots, Jordy wasn't as happy about me capturing his artistic techniques. You could insert a caption next to each of his photos with a "Grrrrr". I think it's a Tool Man Taylor growl.

Mia was also getting close to the fun. I think by her face we can see that she's gonna like the new color, too. It's gray. Everything in our little cottage is becoming gray these days. Such an excellent neutral.

Also, there was a mouse last night. I cried for no less than 3 hours about it all. Studhubs caught and killed it today. But I will won't go anywhere without shoes.

And our heater has been out for 2 weeks. It's chilly. Thankfully Jordan is a constant blazing hot temperature of what I'm sure is 350 degrees. He calls himself a wolverine. Unfortunately, Mr. Husband-the-Heater does not like to snuggle. So I have resorted to placing space heaters and heating pads around the house. 

Tomorrow is 11.11.11. So get in alignment and do something brilliant :)

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